The first thing that you will notice when losing your hearing, isn’t the fact that you have reduced hearing. The people in your life around you will be the first to tell you when your hearing is changing because they will be the ones raising their voices and getting your attention with a click of their fingers.

Types of hearing loss

Hearing loss differs for everyone who experiences it. Some people notice a sudden onset and others experience it at a much slower rate. A gradual hearing loss that is noticed early can often be managed, as while hearing loss cannot be cured, it can be slowed. If you have any concerns about your hearing abilities, you should consult with an audiologist who will be able to assess, diagnose and treat your hearing loss.

Signs to watch out for

There are a great variety of symptoms that you may notice with your hearing loss, and if you experience any of them you should book your audiologist appointment as soon as is possible.

You are asking colleagues at work to remind you of the conversations that happened during a meeting.

  • There are missing sounds, such as birds tweeting or the rustling of leaves while you are out
  • You are missing phone calls, despite your ringtone being at maximum volume
  • You have previously been overly exposed for a long period of time to loud noise
  • You find yourself leaning in to hear the children
  • Jokes are no longer funny because you’re missing the punchline
  • You constantly ask others to stop mumbling and speak up
  • You can’t hear a conversation with a friend if there is any background noise
  • Your television or radio are at excessive levels of volume
  • You can’t understand where certain sounds are coming from
  • You’re feeling left out of conversations

What happens next

Noticing the changes in your hearing and doing something about those changes are very different things. You need to take charge of your health and knowing that your hearing is declining, you need to move forward. You can arrange a hearing test every ten years, but you should do it sooner if you fall into any of the following groups:

  • You have two or more of the hearing loss symptoms listed above
  • It’s been more than a year since your last hearing test when the symptoms began
  • You have a family history of late-onset hearing loss
  • You’ve spent time in manufacturing or concert environments, where you have been exposed to a lot of loud noise
  • You have previously had hearing aids, but you no longer use them
  • You’ve never had a hearing test
  • You are over 50

Once you notice that things are changing with your hearing, you need to do everything possible to get the right help before you find yourself with a hearing loss so severe that not even heading aids can help you. Discussing your worries with an audiologist can make a huge difference to your health, so it’s worth calling today.