Swimming and water activities are something that all of us pursued throughout the year. Swimming is more common in the summer months, especially when the weather is warmer. However, seeing as you can enjoy water activities throughout the year, you should also know how to protect our ears in the water to reduce the risk of infection. Using this guide, you will better understand how to guard your ears from affection when pursuing swimming and water activities.

Use Earplugs Every Time

Whether you are pursuing a water activity or going for a swim, it is wise to use earplugs as these will guard or keep your ears from filling with water. Although water can easily be drained, there’s some water that can be left behind if you are not careful. For optimal results, it’s recommended to insert earplugs into your ears before swimming. Make sure they fit securely to prevent any water from seeping in while you’re underwater.

Thoroughly Dry Your Ears When You Are Finished Swimming

When you are finished swimming or enjoying your water activity, you must thoroughly dry your ears to ensure that all water is removed from them. After swimming, it’s crucial to diligently dry your ears. Gently tilting your head and using a soft towel can help remove any excess water, reducing the risk of potential issues. Ensuring your ears are thoroughly dried promotes ear health.

Prior to drying off, it’s advisable to take a shower to eliminate any pool chlorine that may be on your skin from swimming. This precaution helps prevent potential ear infections or irritation caused by chlorine exposure.

Don’t Forget to Wear a Swimming Cap

If you are going for a swim and know that you will likely get water in your ears or go underwater, then it is a great idea to wear a swimming cap. Not only does a swimming cap help to keep your hair out of your face and dry, but it can also reduce the amount of water that can end up in your ears. Combining the use of earplugs with a swimming cap ensures minimal water ingress into your ears during water-based activities.

Do Not Use Cotton Swabs After Swimming

If you have got a bit of water left in your ears after swimming then do not use cotton swabs instead use a dry towel or wait for the water to fall out naturally. Using a cotton swab can push the water or any dirt you have in your ear further into the eardrum, which can easily cause infection.

Always Ensure to Thoroughly Clean Your Earplugs Before Use

It is recommended to wear earplugs every time you go swimming or enjoy a water activity. However, there is something that you must do before you put them into your ears. To prevent bacteria growth and guard your ears against infection, it is important to thoroughly clean your earplugs between each swim.

Talk with your audiologist about ways to prevent water from entering your ears. They will help you find the best form of treatment.

Tags: hearing loss prevention tips, hearing protection services