Many people across the United States have some form of hearing loss that requires auditory aids. Data suggests that some seek early intervention by scheduling appointments with an audiologist. Others, on the other hand, resort to buying hearing aids from online stores without getting an evaluation first. The truth is that a hearing aid fitting is beneficial and worth the time to schedule an appointment. Here are some benefits you stand to gain from doing so.

Personalized Solutions

A hearing aid fitting session ensures that you get the right device for the severity and type of hearing loss you are experiencing. Specific frequencies, volumes, size and lifestyle considerations are some factors that go into such personalized solutions. These unique solutions can easily be developed through comprehensive assessments to ensure you have a device that works for your hearing needs. An experienced audiologist with years of handling different types of hearing loss knows the immense role customization plays here. Therefore, they will assess different situations that ensure that your new hearing aids perform optimally in any environment.

Optimal Device Selection

People have different lifestyles that significantly influence their hearing aid choice. Many people prefer to base their device selection solely on aesthetics, but that is not advisable. Untreated hearing loss can progress to affect other aspects of your life, requiring professional assistance. At the hearing aid fitting, your audiologist will balance your cosmetic preferences with optimal device performance. Their experience in hearing loss management will help ensure that you have a comfortable listening experience. There are three main types of hearing aids to choose from, including in the ear (ITE), behind the ear (BTE) and in the canal (ITC). Your audiologist will guide you in choosing the right hearing aid for your hearing loss.

Accurate Programming

Every hearing aid needs accurate programming to perform optimally. Without that, you risk a poor wearing experience. Accurate programming involves fine-tuning frequency response, adjusting amplification levels and reviewing noise reduction settings. Your audiologist will likely assess and adjust feedback suppression to enhance your experience. Your unique case may require additional features like directional microphones, Bluetooth compatibility and a telecoil. If you purchased over-the-counter hearing aids, these are features that you will not get.

Ongoing Support

Ongoing support is a follow-up appointment to monitor your adjustment and adaptation period. It also offers an opportunity to checkup on your hearing aids you got from your previous hearing aid fitting. If there is a performance issue, your audiologist will attend to it immediately by repairing or replacing your devices. Remember that they already have your ear measurements, so there won’t be the need for another round of recording your ear’s numerical values. Your audiologist will guide you on the journey as you adjust to your hearing aids and help you enjoy a transformative experience.

Hearing aid fittings are beneficial for many reasons. Contact your audiologist today for the right assistance to ensure you get the most out of your hearing devices.

Tags: benefits of hearing aids, hearing aid basics, hearing aid fitting