Around 22-million Americans are exposed to dangerous noise levels at work. Industries such as musicians, construction workers, nightclub workers and factory workers are all exposed to loud noises every single day at work. Employers should provide protective equipment to those in risk of anything, whether it’s protective eye glasses, hardhats or noise-canceling headphones for those exposed to loud noises. But what can you do to protect your hearing?

Visit an Audiologist

If you suspect you’re experiencing hearing loss, or you’re just generally concerned about your hearing health, you should visit an audiologist as soon as possible. They will conduct a hearing test to determine whether your hearing has been damaged, and if it’s permanent. If you are found to have hearing loss, they will be able to discuss your options with you such as hearing aids.

If you decide to use hearing aids, your audiologist will then conduct another assessment to determine your lifestyle, needs and expectations so they can recommend the best hearing aid for you. Some of the styles they may suggest are:

  • Behind the ear (BTE)
  • In the ear (ITE)
  • In the canal (ITC)

The type of hearing aid you end up with will depend on your lifestyle and the severity of your hearing loss.

Approach Your Employer

Even if you aren’t found to have hearing loss, prevention is the best way to protect your hearing. If your employer has never offered any hearing protection for your job, you should approach them and ask them to provide it for you. If they don’t they could be violating OSHA. Under the promulgated regulation, employers shall make hearing protectors available to all employees exposed to an eight-hour time-weighted average of 85 decibels or greater at no cost to the employees.

Once receiving hearing protection from your employer, schedule an appointment with an audiologist. This will help to make sure this hearing protection is right for your needs, and if this will help to prevent hearing loss. After talking with your audiologist, it is important to wear hearing protection when in these noisy environments, as this can prevent the decline in your hearing.

Research the Different Types

If seeking approval from your employer isn’t applicable, for instance, if you work as a freelancer or are self-employed, it’s up to you to make decisions independently. There is a plethora of hearing protection solutions available, like:

  • Noise-canceling headphones
  • Earplugs
  • Canal caps
  • Earmuffs

Generally, custom made earplugs are the most effective. They are also known as attenuation earplugs, and they are made specially by your audiologist. They contain filters that filter out dangerous sounds and frequencies while still allowing you to hear the world around you. Not only that, but they are custom-made to fit the size and shape of your ear.

If you’re experiencing hearing loss, or are worried about your hearing health, you should call an and schedule an appointment to see an audiologist. Once you have done this, you can take steps to protect your hearing by approaching your employer or taking things into your own hands.

Tags: hearing loss prevention tips, hearing protection services