Hearing loss of any kind is common among many people. This happens in particular, as we get older. It’s important to be aware of the signs of hearing loss so that you can get the help you need to improve your hearing and live a more comfortable life. There are certain signs that can help you self-identify hearing loss. If you suspect you’ve got some level of hearing loss, or you think a loved one has hearing loss, here are five ways to self-identify hearing loss.

Talking Louder Than Normal

Do you find yourself talking a lot louder than you normally would? Perhaps you’ve noticed that your voice sounds muffled? When it comes to hearing loss, one of the notable changes is the volume of your voice and compensating for the loss of hearing. Talking louder than normal is a clear sign that you may be experiencing some form of hearing loss. This may be a temporary hearing loss from a build-up of wax and for others, it may be more permanent.

You’re Asking Others to Repeat What They’re Saying

Those who have hearing loss are often asking others to repeat the conversations they’re having because they don’t hear them properly. Whether you’re struggling to hear the words or you’re relying on their lips to make out the words they’re saying, this is a clear indication that you’re losing your hearing. This can be frustrating for those trying to hear and for those having to repeat themselves multiple times.

Some Day-to-Day Sounds Have Disappeared

There may be some sounds that have disappeared and that you’ve only just caught on to. These day-to-day sounds include birds chirping, the front doorbell going or the sound of your microwave going off. These day-to-day sounds are certainly missed when they are no longer heard, and it might be time to see a hearing health professional if these sounds have seemingly disappeared.

There is Ringing in Your Ear

Ringing in the ear can be fairly common with hearing loss, especially if you’ve worked in an environment where there’s loud sound or music. Ringing of the ears could be a sign of tinnitus and other hearing problems. Any discomfort of the ear should be attended to immediately so that you’re not living in any more discomfort than necessary.

You’ve Turned Up the Television at Home

A big sign that you’ve got hearing loss is that you’ve turned up the television at home. Do your loved ones come in and cover their ears? That might be an indicator that you’ve got the volume up way too loud for the average person to hear. Try to keep your television at a certain level and assess how often you’re turning it up from that base level set. That will help you figure out just how impacted your hearing is.

Self-identifying hearing loss is important especially when it means you can get the help required to assess your hearing and find solutions. Make sure to pay attention to these signs yourself. If you have any of these symptoms talk with a hearing health professional.

Tags: hearing loss symptoms, how-to guides