Millions of adults are living with tinnitus – that phantom ringing, buzzing, hissing and whooshing noise that has no external cause. In many cases, tinnitus is mild and intermittent, coming and going on occasion and causing little strife. However, in some cases, tinnitus can cause constant, loud and distracting noises that make it difficult to complete your day-to-day activities. So, how do you know when tinnitus is taking its toll on you?

It’s Hard to Fall or Stay Asleep

For individuals with tinnitus, the awareness of those constant ringing sounds can interrupt night sleep or relaxation – this isn’t good for your overall health. Sleep is a necessary action for the body to rebuild itself and recharge, so chances are your tinnitus symptoms will continue to get worse if you can’t get a good night’s rest. This is why people experiencing it are advised to see an audiologist as soon as possible.

Quality sleep is an important component to maintain your physical, emotional and mental wellbeing. Any imbalance in these three areas can throw your body off it’s normal schedule, making it difficult to get the sleep you need!

How is this possible? It all ties into lack of sleep and the resulting impact on your body mass index. Your body needs good sleep to function properly. A lack of proper rest will increase irritability and can have negative consequences your general well-being.

Communicating and Focusing Can be Difficult

People with tinnitus find it challenging to maintain everyday conversations with loved ones because of the unrelenting sounds present. And they are the only ones who perceive these sounds. It is no wonder that the condition is sometimes described as the perception of phantom sounds. An individual who persistently hears ringing, buzzing, roaring or humming sounds may struggle with maintaining focus on an activity.

In other cases, tinnitus can interfere with communication. During conversations, you will have difficulty keeping up with discussion details. This happens because the internal ringing sounds prevent you from grasping everything that was said. How would you contribute meaningfully to such conversations? This is another important aspect of getting care for your tinnitus symptoms. Your audiologist will be able to help you find the relief you need, making it easier to communicate with loved ones again.

Detrimental Effects on Your Emotional Wellbeing

Because tinnitus can cause increased feelings of irritability, frustration and anger, it’s common for people to develop depression or anxiety if they don’t seek proper treatment. If allowed to go unaddressed, this situation can take a toll on your ever-important psychological well-being.

If you notice tinnitus interfering with your day-to-day routines, it’s a good idea to schedule an appointment with an audiologist. They can provide the proper assessments to first determine if you have tinnitus, and if so, recommend the best ways you can address these annoying symptoms.

Tags: faqs, tinnitus treatment